On this site we present you two extremely efficient products to put an end of the struggle with migraine headache and a tension (stress) headache. Excellent results are also achieved by distress, nervous strain and insomnia.
We offer you two extraordinary products that can help you!
These are "Dr. Biomaster MigraOil" and the herbal "Dr. Biomaster MigraTincture". Both products are produced on the recipes of the Bulgarian homeopath and naturopath Gocho Gochev and are a result of his more than 20-year experience in the struggle with migraine and a tension (stress) headache.
"Dr. Biomaster MigraOil" is a massage oil containing 10 essential oils and registered as a medical device Class I. "Dr. Biomaster MigraOil" alleviates the symptoms of all migraine types. It reduces nervous strain, stress, feelings of anxiety and unrest and the resulting headache and insomnia. The product has a relaxing effect on the body muscles.
This unique product can be used on its own or in combination with other therapies such as homeopathy, phytotherapy, acupuncture, reflexotherapy and others in the struggle with migraine and headache.
"Dr. Biomaster MigraTincture" is herbal tincture of 6 herbs. The recipe is very well balanced and gives fast and articulate results as early as in the first week of use.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to tell yourself, “I have already tried a treatment with what you cannot imagine drugs and there was no result. What they are offering me here won’t be any different”.
The truth is that if you use our two products in the right way and for a long time, you have the real chance of saying goodbye to migraine and a tension (stress) headache for ever.
It’s sufficient to use the two products simultaneously for 10-20 days to see that this time you have not made a mistake in your choice!